- Select "Segment 1" and draw on the are you want to segment ("positive")
- Select "Segment 2" and draw outside of the are you want to segment ("negative")
- Select the window size (default: 3x3x3)
- the algorithm uses a NxNxN window to compare the current voxel to its neighbors
- start with a smaller window (faster) and change it to larger one only if the results are not accurate enough
- Select the number of inspection cycles (default: 5)
- the algorithm calculates the number of cycles to run based on the volume size (FOR loop) and push the data to the gpu which runs the grow cut algorithm. On every "X" cycles it reads some data from the gpu to see if voxels are still getting updated otherwise it stops.
- Smaller numbers may do it stop sooner but which is good but transfering data out of the gpu is costly and that can also make it run slower.
- Bigger numbers may make it waste time running a few more steps even when it is already done.
- the algorithm calculates the number of cycles to run based on the volume size (FOR loop) and push the data to the gpu which runs the grow cut algorithm. On every "X" cycles it reads some data from the gpu to see if voxels are still getting updated otherwise it stops.
- Click on "Run Grow Cut" button and wait a few seconds
- You can also click on "Restart" if you want to change the seed pixels (draw again)